At ERC, communication skills training depends on:

  • Understanding each participant’s starting point

  • Presenting a new skill

  • Coaching each participant’s application of the skill

  • Layering on new skills through the same process

  • Evaluating Performance


Understanding the Starting Point

To successfully introduce new skills, we observe benchmarks of what participants do when they begin. ERC instructors lead the participant’s peers in highlighting observable and objective aspects of performance.

Presenting a New Skill

Our ERC Trainer presents a new skill, takes questions and assigns an activity to practice and adopt it.

Coaching Skill Application

In breakout groups or in front of the full class, each participant practices the new skill. Every participant is coached by our instructor, their peers and when they are recorded on video, themselves.


Layering New Skills

Every new skill is an opportunity to improve on prior skills.

Evaluating Performance

Final performances are evaluated by the trainer.